Last year, Finland launched a free online crash course in artificial intelligence with the aim of educating its citizens about the new technology. Now, as a Christmas present to the world, the European nation is making the six week program available for anyone to take. The Verge reports:
Strictly speaking, it’s a present for the European Union. Finland is relinquishing the EU’s rotating presidency at the end of the year, and decided to translate its course into every EU language as a gift to citizens. But there aren’t any geographical restrictions as to who can take the course, so really it’s to the world’s benefit. The course certainly proved itself in Finland, with more than 1 percent of the Nordic nation’s 5.5 million citizens signing up. The course, named Elements of AI, is currently available in English, Swedish, Estonian, Finnish, and German. @ – Source: <> -- Navin Dhanuka ~~~~~~~~~~~ Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing. :: Abraham Lincoln ::
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