
On Fri, 6 Dec 2019 at 10:40, AlphaOmega <alpha0m...@disroot.org> wrote:

> On Dec 6, 2019 09:53, Amey Abhyankar <sco1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Not sure if we have any Blockchain enthusiasts or developers in our group.
> I am facing 1 issue.
> Just wonder if anybody facing the same issue.
> Goal: Dockerize bitcoin-core to optimise resource utilisation & to
> eliminate need to keep open the bitcoin-core GUI in Ubuntu.
> Solution: Dockerize bitcoin-core using =
> https://bitcoin.org/bin/bitcoin-core-0.18.1/
> Issue statement: Unable to send RPC aka 'Remote Procedure Call' from base
> machine to docker instance.
> Did you use `--rpc' at the docker command line (while launching docker
> container)?


Taking example of 'ruimarinho's readme.md =
*Step 1) *I started container using command =

docker run --rm --name bitcoin-server -it ruimarinho/bitcoin-core \
  -printtoconsole \
  -regtest=1 \
  -rpcallowip= \


Are you able to run the bitcoin-core using --rpc flag i.e.

docker run --rm *--rpc* --name bitcoin-server -it ruimarinho/bitcoin-core \
  -printtoconsole \
  -regtest=1 \
  -rpcallowip= \


*Step 2) *RPC thing =
 docker run -it --link bitcoin-server --rm ruimarinho/bitcoin-core \

  bitcoin-cli \
  -rpcconnect=bitcoin-server \
  -regtest \
  -stdinrpcpass \

It throws error saying server not found.
But if I do docker ps it shows the container in running mode.
I tried with other combinations but then it says make sure bitcoin dameon
is running.
By doing docker exec -it container bash I ensured that the daemon is
running & listening on respective port.

> Software version's used:
> - Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS as base machine
> - Docker ce 19.03.4 version
> - bitcoin-core 0.18.1
> -Local laptop [no cloud/no vmware/no firewalls]
> Docker images that I tried:
> 1) https://github.com/ruimarinho/docker-bitcoin-core/
> 2) https://github.com/juanluisbaptiste/docker-bitcoin-wallet
> 3)
> https://medium.com/@kay.odenthal_25114/access-bitcoind-instance-inside-docker-container-via-json-rpc-cef25ea32f51
> Blockers:
> - Remote procedure call aka RPC not working from base machine i.e. Ubuntu
> 18.94.3
> - Unable to telnet bitcoin-core on respective ports from base machine.
> Able to telnet other docker instance on same machine without any issues.
> - bitcoin-core just runs fine in test mode & in prod mode in docker
> without any issue
> - I did customisation of bitcoin.conf file to put custom ports &
> credentials
> - Followed the config changes suggested by bitcoin dev team in release
> notes = https://bitcoin.org/en/release/v0.18.0#mining
> Regards,
> Amey.
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