+1-- mukund-----------------------------------------------------------our site
is: http://www.bindhast.com <-- it's active now.This message was not
sent from any iFad. We have no such.From: Tejas Sanap
<sanap.te...@gmail.com>Sent: Sun, 01 Dec 2019 10:42:10To: plug-mail
<plug-mail@plug.org.in>Subject: [PLUG] December-2019 MeetupHey,
folks!This email will be short and precise.I'm proposing a meetup on the
*14th of December*.The *timing* of meetup can be between *2pm-5pm*.We can have
a talk on *Containers/Dockers*.The talk will cover the basics of dockers and
dockerfiles.We already have a speaker. gauravsitlani has volunteered to give a
talk.--Tejas Sanap.(whereistejas on
mailing listplug-m...@plug.org.inhttp://list.plug.org.in/listinfo/plug-mail
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