After many years of usage, I stopped using CLI quite some time back. But
still use vi kind of editors a few times.  This reminds me of the best
editor I ever used -- BRIEF . Just checked that Wikipedia page and found
that few things in vim come from brief !! Just check the features in it
that are even today very useful and innovative!! And those were available
in the eighties on a dos environment!!

Check out the wiki page here:


On Mon, Nov 25, 2019, 9:02 AM Tejas Sanap <> wrote:

> Hey, folks!
> As the world rides the "VS Code" wave and it's extensive list of
> extensions that are easy to set up and even easier to configure, some of
> us, stick to the Old Way of Vim. However, as effective as vi/vim may be, it
> presents a considerable learning curve, especially, to the novice command
> line user, it just seems too much to handle all at once and thus, they
> either move to "nano" or abandon command line text editors, altogether.
> But, the vim community, offers great documentation and there are tons of
> blogs written by vim-users, all over the internet. Captain Pike, from the
> USS Enterprise, once said, "the best way to swim in a cold stream, is to
> jump right in", and it is also true in the case of vim.
> Using vim for all your editing tasks, is the fastest way to learn and the
> easiest way to appreciate vim.
> The best source of vim-related things is the "r/vim"[3] sub-reddit.
> The best place to clarify your vim doubts, is the #vim IRC channel.
> The best collection of vim-hacks for the most common issues realated to
> vim is, the vim-wikia[4].
> The most accurate, detailed and dependable source of information for any
> vim feature is the "in-built" documentation[5].
> The links [1] and [2] are good beginner resources.
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
> [5]:
> --
> Tejas Sanap.
> (whereistejas on Freenode)
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