What about the awareness of foss concepts of the attendees? If you are
talking about project life cycle, they should be given at least 2 hours of
foss concepts training first. I am willing to do that.


On Fri, Nov 8, 2019, 1:25 PM Ashwin Phadke <ashwinphadk...@rediffmail.com>

> Hello Pluggies,
> As a part of Rotaract club of Pune Sinhagad road we are planning a
> professional development session on the topic "An end to end project
> lifecycle". The topic focuses on explaining or educating the attendees on
> how the entire open source project lifecycle works right from ideation to
> code and launch. This will also include all the major and minor details
> about the projects and of course how they are maintained by a community
> that probably only meets online.
> Open source is a fascinating subject and for the attendees, it would be a
> great addition in deciding their career paths ahead.
> The audience will be comprised of techies, non-techies and also experts in
> their domains.
> Please let me know if anyone would be interested in taking up this
> session. The session will be preferably on the weekends as it would be the
> right time for the presenter and the audience.
> As a fellow pluggie I thought who better to conduct this session than this
> wonderful group.
> ​
> Waiting for your replies.
> Regards,
> Ashwin Phadke
> Twitter: @ashwinphadke1
> Website: https://ashwin-phadke.github.io
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