
On Sat, 10 Aug 2019 at 23:42, Dhanesh B. Sabane <dhanes...@disroot.org> wrote:
> Hello pluggies!
> Over the past year or so, we've talked a lot about Matrix and our
> plans to bridge the current IRC channel (#pluggies on freenode) with
> the native Matrix room we have. Although those plans haven't
> materialised, we have seen some huge improvements in Matrix which
> allows users to seamlessly connect to IRC channels, directly, over
> various IRC networks/servers.

I noticed 1 issue recently.
I put following values in Riot app on my android phone =

E-mail or user name:  <my_username> [without   @ & :matrix.org flags]
Password: <password>
Home server URL: https://vicx.fr or any from
Identity Server URL: https://vector.im

If I hit 'LOG IN' button it keeps trying to login but nothing happens.
I was able to sign in before using 'custom server options'.
Anybody facing same problem today?

I tried to login using other combinations i.e. I keep identity server
same is custom server but same issue.
Tried to put my registered e-mail address at matrix as well.

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