Since google is using something similar to or ..Linux kernel...
is this meltdown or whatever affecting our smartphones...

And how safe are we in hand of these technological advancements without necessary parallel thinking processes for their shutdown in case of emergencies?

Are we safe imagining users travel on *AI First* path in the light of Meltdown and Spectre whatever depth they involve...

Any stupid answer may acknowledge the receipt of this thought on mailing list...

and usual statement that Police Utter in United States of America when you are suspected of any breach...

You have a right to remain silent...! (meaning someone has already left)


On Saturday 06 January 2018 02:24 PM, shirish शिरीष wrote:
at bottom :-

On 06/01/2018, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <> wrote:
On Fri, 2018-01-05 at 17:32 +0000, shirish शिरीष wrote:
The only good thing is that it doesn't increase any remote attack
vector than before but it does mean that people should be more
circumspect about any software they download at least till the next
couple of weeks when kernel updates and cpu-microcodes should take
some of the steam off.

I just got the Meltdown fixed kernel. I am glad this got rolled in

[SECURITY] [DSA 4078-1] linux security update

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

Thank you Ritesh,

In the hurry I had forgotten to share
. From the news it seems some of those patches have been backported to

Even wikipedia has now a page for it

Also spectre got its own page

and interestingly tbb (tor-brrowser) has the
privacy.firstparty.isolate set to true

Consultant Spirituel

Guruvision Inc.
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