On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 1:58 AM, Amey Abhyankar <sco1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a scenario where I need to install OTRS on 1 box & Oracle 12c

Any particular reason for choosing Oracle for the back end?
Unless there is a compelling reason for Oracle, I would suggest stick
with MySQL or MariaDB.

> DB on another box.
> Anybody have done this setup?

Not with Oracle but with PostgreSQL. A few years ago, I tried to make
an OTRS appliance with postgreSQL but no success.  I kept getting OTRS
failures. For DB on another box I had to set the config files to
connect over the network to the postgreSQL server.  No issues with
connection (TLS).   I suspect it would be similar for Oracle.

> Will be glad to know about feasibility & performance issues if any.

What kind of traffic do you expect to hit OTRS?

You could put a application load balancer in front of N+1 OTRS (N>0)
servers talking to the DB backend.

-- Arun Khan
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