Hi Ashok,

When asking for help in mailing lists, please follow guidelines that
will help (a) the audience understand the specific problem you are
trying to solve and (b) yourself to get a "focused" response.

Eric Raymod's How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - catb.org is a nice
intro.  I urge you to read through it.

Also, when you reply to a **digest** message, take the time to edit
the subject line and trim the message of other discussions in the
digest.   This helps maintain the discussion thread based on subject
line in the archives as well in smart email clients that support
threading.   Always, think how your query/answer may help others in
the future.

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 7:04 AM, Ashok Mathur <ashokchand2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Arun,
> I am glad that you can google search terms.
> But what you found was simply documentation, which is very different from a
> tutorial.

Many a times most questions are answered in the project's documentation pages.
In your OP nowhere have you mentioned what documentation you have
already read or the specific problem you are trying to solve.
Therefore, this mailing list audience had no clue about what specific
information you were seeking.

> I am specifically looking for a tutorial for installing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS,
> the distribution of ROS called Kinetic Kame.

Aah.  This is a **lot better** than your OP i.e. it is specific.

> The documentation here http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Installation has no
> instruction on installation. simply recommends two distributions of ROS.
> The tutorials on this page http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials assume that you
> have already installed ROS and now want to configure it etc.
> I sincerely want help on installing ROS as I had struggled with it for quite
> a while before giving it up incomplete.

I would suggest try the ROS mailing lists if you have not done so.  I
have found the project specific mailing lists to be most useful
resource to resolve issues related to it.

-- Arun Khan
plug-mail mailing list

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