I had the same issue with rasp pi3. I found that the widevinecdm component
is developed by google for their chrome browser and for other browsers in
amd64 and i386 arch only as i know.
And chrmium browser for rasp pi3 has been compiled for armhf arch and
widevine as a plugin is not available for armhf.

I tried to copy the plugin from chrome amd64 to chromium armhf but that did
not work. So chromium in rasp pi will not run DRM content.

The solution here is to compile the chromium with widevine for armhf.

If anyone get the source code for widevine plz forward the link on plug.

Thanking you
Nilesh Naykodi

On Nov 13, 2017 12:49 PM, "Amey Abhyankar" <sco1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am facing 'WidevineCdm' digital rights component issue in Chromium
> browser.
> Error in Chromium says browser is missing this component.
> Raspberry Pi version: 3
> Model: B
> OS: Raspbian
> OS Release: September 2017
> SUDO apt-get update done = Yes
> Some R & D done as follows =
> -Tried to update the default component using non root account but it's
> not updating.
> -Tried to update Chromium components as root but I am not able to find
> the code to modify respective config file.
> - Tried to follow work around suggested for 'Netflix'. Same issue.
> Just want to know if anybody found work around for this issue.
> I want to play Amazon prime India video's.
> Firefox crashes in Raspbian OS. This bug is already reported. :-/
> I have not tried to play amazon prime in Iceweasel browser.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Amey.
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