The month of February was pretty quiet. Here's what happened:

1. Valve launches SteamVR support for Linux


* Create Linux content for the HTC Vive VR headset
* Program is curretly in beta

2. Google announced first SHA1(Secure Hash Algorithm 1) collision

* It took them 5 years to achieve this
* The paper says it affects GIT as it extensively uses SHA1
* Linux Torvalds sees no threats to GIT
* In a mail on the git mailing list Linus explained the reason : 

3. City of Munich switching from Linux to Windows 10

4. Microsoft announces GVFS (Git Virtual File System)


I request everyone who would like to be connected with the members to join our 
IRC channel #pluggies on freenode either through an IRC client or through 
Riot/Matrix, as I mentioned today in the meet. You can personally contact me if 
you want to know more about Riot/Matrix.

Dhanesh B. Sabane [dhanesh95]

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