see in line

13-08-2016 12:05 am को "aditya mitkari" <aditya_mitk...@rediffmail.com> ने
> Respected sir/ma`am,
> My collage PICT's ACM group wants to hold a seminar on LINUX OS in our
upcoming ACM event "PULZION`16"
Great to hear. It would be good if you could give the following information:
1. Overview of the event.
2. If the event is completely FOSS based or mixed.
3. Date(s) of the event.
4. Any website for the same.
5. Linux is a huge topic. what is expected, how much time is going to be
allocated for the same.

> We would like one of your senior member to give us a talk.

Accordingly people can decide.

> ps. pls. reply as soon as possible as the event is coming close
> Thanks
> Aditya Mitkari
> pict TE comp.
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