Yes and a BIG YES tor works and it makes u anonymous over the internet your
ISP wont able decrypt your traffic

it simply works by routing your traffic via relays(volunteer operated
servers) and strips away part of the packet's header, which is a part of
the addressing information that could be used to learn things about the
sender such as the operating system from which the message was sent. Finally,
Tor encrypts the rest of the addressing information, called the packet
wrapper. Regular Internet connections don't do this either.

Jalinder .....;)

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 11:30 AM, ThinRhino <> wrote:

> On 08-08 10:12, jayant ogale wrote:
> > hi, recently i read about tor browser. they claim that user identity
> remains
> > anonymous,it not possible to locate the users location, it is not
> possible to
> > store the browsing details.  also they claim that it not possible to
> intercept
> > and read your mails and other details.  is it true? i mean has anybody
> > verified these claims [technically]?  i will be interested to know 1]
> what are
> > the advantages and disadvantages of using tor browser?  2] internet
> providers
> > are supposed to store our internet browsing details. if the claims are
> true
> > how do they do it?  3] similarly they have come up with tails o.s. does
> this
> > o.s. has any specific advantages as compared to other o.s.?  thanks,
> Yes, TOR works in the very exact way they claim it to work.
> People like Julian Assange trust and use it.
> Cheers
> ThinRhino
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