with fdisk set partition active, or bootable.
   - Make a partition active, or bootable:   Command (m for help): a
Partition number (1-4): 1   (Select Partition 1 to be active.)

     On Monday, 29 June 2015 11:37 PM, jayant ogale <jaog...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

i have macbook pro lap-top with i7 processor.
i am trying to install knoppix [64bit] on a sd card and make it bootable.
i have googled many times and tried atleast 10 to 15 different methods to do so.
but no success. i do not get any errors while transferring knoppix. but then 
can not boot from sd card.
i know that sd card is not supported directly on macbook pro. one has to 
install refit. but that also failed.
if anyone has a first hand experience for doing so, please let me know any 
hitch or pitfall.
alternatively, while booting through refit i can get a shell prompt
is it possible on command line to boot from /dev/disk1? does it works?
why i want bootable sd card knoppix can be discussed later.
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