On Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 5:17 AM, Pravin Dhayfule <pra...@dhayfule.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Thanks for your advices and guidance.
> I surely think that just like Microsoft and Google, Commercial Linux Vendors
> such as RedHat or Canonical should boost the Linux Laptops in market. I am

They need to answer to their share holders.   Laptop with
pre-installed Linux is very small market segment (my guess).

> aware that Dell has a programme for it in tie up with Canonical to supply
> Pre-Installed Linux PCs and Laptops, but those are found on their non-Indian
> sales portals.

This has been kind of ON/OFF offering (personal observation).

>Mostly all Hardware Vendors have a tagline that they
> Recommend Windows 8.

For this tag line they get money from MS as marketing co-lateral + the
OEM ends up providing the drivers for their specific hardware.

The Linux companies you list above perhaps do not have the kind of
marketing budget as MS.

Bottom line - pick a laptop that meets your need and install your
favorite Linux distro on it regardless of whether it comes with
FreeDOS, Linpus or Windows.

-- Arun Khan
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