The following is taken from
http://deity.gov.in/content/major-foss-initiatives (Ministry of
Information Technology)
BOSS – Bharat Operating System Solutions
BOSS, Bharat Operating System Solutions <http://www.bosslinux.in/>, is a
GNU/Linux based localized Operating System distribution that supports 18
Indian languages - Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada,
Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Oriya,
Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. BOSS has been certified by
Linux Foundation and is expected to meet the stringent demands of
e-governance. Desktop and Server versions are available for BOSS. Also
an educational variant EduBOSS has been brought out for schools. All
versions are available for free download from http://www.bosslinux.in/.
BOSS offers a low cost computing platform, flexibility and choice to the
end users.
BOSS Support Centres
To make BOSS Linux popular, BOSS Support Centres
<http://bosslinux.in/support-centre> are being set up throughout India.
In addition, creating awareness through training and workshops,
distributing free BOSS CDs/DVDs among end users are all part of the
proliferation efforts. Pan-INDIA BOSS Support Centres provide
hand-holding support to users for installations as well as maintenance
support. BOSS has been deployed in e-governance and education domains.
BOSS Linux deployment:
BOSS has been deployed for e-governance applications in Chattisgarh and
Kerala. A MOU has been signed with National Informatics Centre (NIC) for
deployment of BOSS/Linux across the country in e-governance applications
developed and maintained by NIC. Punjab State Government has deployed
BOSS in many schools under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan programme. Indian Navy
has adopted BOSS for their office applications. BOSS has also been
deployed in Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
and Haryana in various applications.
Recently, Tamil Nadu Government has released the Government Order for
use of BOSS Linux as one of the Mandatory Operating Systems in all
Government Departments;
* Over 20 lakh BOSS installations have been completed so far;
* MoU has been signed with HCL for BOSS Linux preload in all their
systems. BOSS preloaded HCL desktops are being deployed by Govt of
Orissa and CHiPS Chhattisgarh.
* EduBOSS has been/ is being deployed in schools under EDUSAT project
of Govt. of Punjab; schools of Pondicherry and Maharashtra; schools
under EDUSAT society ;
* BOSS Linux has been deployed in Tamilnadu, under the Free laptop scheme;
* NIC Thrissur has migrated the RedHat desktop systems in the
Collectorate to BOSS Linux;
* Several promotion/ training programs are being conducted across
various government departments, academic institutions, schools etc.
for further proliferation.
I am not saying BOSS is good or bad. I am not compelling anybody to use
Any type of such scheme/software/project should go like this -
Try-Test-Improve-Try-Test-Improve- ....Make it as perfect as possible.
BOSS is free then tell people to download from your
school,college,university,office or other places, give feed back to
CDAC, discuss on forum, try again give feedback to CDAC etc...
Was it so difficult for government to follow this process for such a
huge project?
(Is there any such circular received in school/college/government office
? What was the harm in informing all Indians publicly to try it on a
spare computer ? Was it not governments duty ?)
But not even a single political leader (including top leaders) has
pronounced the word 'BHARAT OPEREATING SYSTEM' openly in last 5 years !
Each word of these VIPs always occupy front page of all news papers.
Was EduBOSS referred in 'Mun Ki Baat' with school children ? Why ?
Recall that the message from former honorable PM Manmohan Sing was also
circulated in Schools across the country and schools were compelled to
read it.
There was no reference of 'EduBOSS' or BOSS in the message.
(Many people defend their favorite politicians by argument "They may
not be aware of this project !" lol !)
(Do not forget it is a part of 'Make In India' )
They have all the funds for Publicity of Swchhata Abhiyan & Shauchalaya
! Because the ads are safe for them (You do it or ignore, they have no
problem with such ads !)
The site www.bosslinux.in is down for more than one month. (Since the
date I received BOSS DVD from this site). A very well known Journalist said
to me that it is just because I started the activity to promote BOSS).
But I still believe that it is a coincidence.
I once again request you all to download and read Tamilnadu GO dated
12-03-14 from TN government site and think it over my petition.
I respect your decision to sign the petition or not.
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