On 11/04/15 18:08, Mandar Vaze / मंदार वझे wrote:
Awesome !!

I have been exclusively using linux for close to a decade, but the points mentioned by Amarendra make complete sense. I am a linux user because it is the "right tool" *for me*, not because MS Windows is "bad/evil" I am thinking of moving to OSX because it is *nix under the hood, and all the "right tools" are available for OSX as well. (cost of hardware is holding me back, but not for long)
Microsoft do contribute a fair bit to linux.

You will find their commits in all of our distros, BOSS included.

I don't think it's really credible to bash them on this front anymore :)

I use OSX a bit - really decent OS - but like any software - all have bugs!
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