Hi, As everyone of us would know the TRAI has called for suggestions on Net Neutrality while at the same time Flipkart, Airtel, Facebook, Reliance, etc have started things like AirtelZero and Internet.org which essentially break Net Neutrality.
Some guys at Reddit India have launched a drive to educate and bring together people[1] and ensure our voice gets to the government. Someone also started a petition on change.org for this.[2] And we also have a crowd-crafted website[3] running for ensuring that information and action items are accessible in one place. What are your thoughts on this ? Are we at PLUG too, holding some kind of drive for NetNeutrality ? I hope everyone agrees that since NetNeutrality is essential to a *Free* Internet and hence FOSS, this movement is relevant and very much requires our active participation :) If you want to *join the NetNeutrality movement and want one simple thing to do*, please sign the petition and share it with people you know. Thanks! Regards, Samarendra [1]http://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/31vvf2/fight_for_net_neutrality_the_way_forward/ [2]https://www.change.org/p/rsprasad-trai-don-t-allow-differential-pricing-of-services-let-consumers-choose-how-they-want-to-use-internet-netneutrality [3]http://netneutrality.in _______________________________________________ plug-mail mailing list plug-mail@plug.org.in http://list.plug.org.in/listinfo/plug-mail