
As you know GNUnify is on 14th -15th Feb. on coming weekend on Friday,

For delegate registration visit http://gnunify.in/

Please note that registration on line will help us to speed up the
Registration Fee: NA

Who can participate:  College students, college faculties, IT professionals

About tracks:
Python: from basic workshops to many focused workshops and talks, data
exploring, Kivi etc.
Scientific Computing: Maxima, Scilab. Pylab, R- programming, Beamer
Mobile/Android Computing: Workshop on Android apps development, talk on
Android hacking
E learning software: Moodle, Video broad casting with BBB
Web Technology: Javascript, Coffee script, HTML5,CSS-3 etc.

Community tracks:
Mozilla Hackthon
Drupal Hackthon
Wiki: localization, editing workshop...

More at http://gnunify.in/2014/events/ScientificComputing

Schedule is expected to come up today by end of the day.

See you at GNUnify.

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

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