
Does anyone know about any (live) prototyping tool for Linux.

I have already tried Evolus Pencil (not the animation tool of similar
name). It is a great tool, but falls short in complex and dynamic
wireframes. As the screens increase, it turns slow.

One of a proprietary tool is Axure RP, but its only available for windows
(and I do not want to use WINE, or Windows on Virtual Box just for sake of

Axure provides creation of dymamic panels and programming logic, which
isn't available in pencil.

Another tool that is dynamic and s available for Linux is ForeUI
(http://www.foreui.com/), but it is too expensive around USD150 (and
features provided don't even match up with that price quote)

Tried Maqetta, but its not that flexible in terms of exporting the finished
mockup to client.

Finally I gave up and asking here.

Has anyone come across any similar tool. I have seen lots of online tools,
but I need offline ones.


*Pravin Balaji Dhayfule*

*Free & Open Source Software oriented IT Solutions ConsultantCorporate
TrainerAuthor: Planet Soulance - The Civilisation of Souls
<http://www.planetsoulance.com>Personal Blog: http://www.dhayfule.com
<http://www.dhayfule.com> Services Website: http://www.cybrent.biz
<http://www.cybrent.biz>**Contact Number: +91 9867647412*
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