On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Mayuresh <mayur...@acm.org> wrote:
> The campaign is not because they care for your business loss if you are on
> XP. The campaign obviously is to increase the sales of newer versions.

Products go through EoL.  IMO, there is nothing wrong in asking users
to use a newer version of their OS, especially for the new hardware in
the market.   Old PC? people can continue to use XP,  it is their
choice.   Besides, people have a choice to switch to a FOSS desktop
(like city of Munich).

On the FOSS side of the coin -- RHEL4/CentOS4 (picked as an example)
has been EoL and it's last incarnate most likely will not have drivers
for the new servers in the market today.   Most current Linux distros
require more RAM than RH9 (EoL long back) and the user desktop
experience with 512MB RAM may be unacceptable to most.   Like XP,
these users can stick with RH9 or another distro from the same era.

Arun Khan
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