On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 01:12:35AM +0530, ????? wrote:
> It would be useful to know the answers for following question:
> What is the input and output ratings (voltage, current) of power adapter
> of the wifi routers?

I have gone through the links. I am looking to buy off the shelf rather
than build. Unfortunately nobody is meeting precisely this need, except
for following:

1. A colleague in automotive industry told they they manufacture such
units for access control systems. But not available for consumers.

2. A couple of manufacturers from Delhi (links might be present in my
previous post) make such a battery backed up adapter. Contacting them did
not break much ice. I am hesitant buy from them.

The adapter rating is 12V, 1A. The router wattage is around 10W - not sure
right now, but it's around that.

As of now, I have decided to use a regular UPS (weighing 5kg, so not an
exact match for the requirement). I have a spare one from Intex, not
buying new. I have to make some untidy wiring arrangements so that I can
keep the router at a certain location from where it can serve the desired
area well.


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