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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Saurabh Nair" <>
Date: May 11, 2013 11:49 AM
Subject: [Reps-General] Internship at the Free Software Foundation
To: "Mozilla Reps - General" <>

Hello reps,
   The Free Software Foundation (makers of the GNU OS - as in GNU/Linux -
and others) is looking for interns for this summer. I thought my fellow
reps will be interested since the FSF's mission and work aligns to that of
Mozilla - *Freedom to users*.

   The internship is for a duration of 3 months and can be either half day
or full day. You will be working from the FSF office in Boston
(Massachusetts). You will get opportunity to work closely with really cool
people and on great projects.

So if you think you are up for it, you can apply directly at

If you need any help regarding the matter, please let me know at

reps-general mailing list

Arun Khan
Sent from my non-iphone/non-android device
(অরুণ খান্/अरुण खान)

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

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