Dear Friends, Greetings on behalf of the Free Software Movement of India. Free Software Movement of India (FSMI) is a national coalition of various regional and sectoral free software movements operating in different parts of India. The formation of FSMI was announced in the valedictory function of the National Free Software Conference - 2010 held in Bangalore during 20–21 March 2010. To know more about FSMI please see [1][2]
FSMI has been a coordinating platform in promoting the culture of free knowledge, free culture, free speech and free society through the use and development of free software, free hardware and free bandwidth in India. In order to build a strong free software movement in Maharashtra we are trying to create a 'Free Software Movement Maharashtra ' to promote the ideas of a free society via freedom in the digital realm and in this regard a preparatory meeting is being organised. We request you to kindly participate in this meeting and help build the movement in Maharashtra . Details: Preparatory meeting to organise a Free Software Movement Maharashtra Venue: IIT Bombay campus, Powai, Mumbai. Date: May 4th Saturday 2013 Time: 4pm - 6pm Contact: Vikram Vincent: 09969249984 With warm wishes, Vikram Vincent Member, General Council, Free Software Movement India(FSMI) References: [1] [2] [3] For more details on the concept of 'free as in freedom' software _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List