On Apr 7, 2013, at 7:37 PM, Mayuresh <mayur...@acm.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 06, 2013 at 10:36:01PM +0530, Ashwin wrote:
>> On 06-04-2013 09:02, Mayuresh wrote:
>>> My overall impression is wireless (3G/CDMA) plans and QoS are not yet
>>> comparable with wired connections. If they become so, I'll be happy to get
>>> rid of wired connection mess.
>> Considering the same level of communication algorithms, encoding and
>> error correction techniques being available for both - the wired
>> being a guided and protected medium (protected from external
>> interferences) will always remain better than wireless i.e. unguided
> It's alright that for higher bandwidths wired will remain a better medium.
> For personal use I am content with less than 1mbps (say 512-750kbps etc)
> as long as it is consistent.
> I think wireless should be capable of providing that much of speed
> reliably. They advertise speeds "up to" 3.1mbps (CDMA) and 7.1mbps (3G),
> though one doesn't even get 50kbps reliably - at least so with bsnl 3g.
> (Haven't tried others.)
> [...]
The Mbps notation is mega bits per second, and not mega bytes, afaik, and it 
hasn't changed. I have been guilty of forgetting this to arrive at incorrect 
calculation if what my speed should be and what it is.

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