> On Saturday 06 Apr 2013 8:53:14 PM Shirish Padalkar wrote:
> Hey hi, > I am not sure why you are saying something like that on mailing list, but I don't think that was necessary. If you don't mind and don't have anything useful to contribute to the conversation, can you please stop spamming the list? > > Thanks. > What I wrote was definitely not a spam, but what you are doing is definitely called (harvesting email addresses with an intent to) spam :-) What I have written was (perceived) essence of what philosophy could be about... Of-course none of it could be interesting to and become known to you if you do not attend the PLUG meeting... Did I attend the PLUG meeting of April 6, 2013? That question is better answered by people who attended the plug meeting.. शिका आणि लठ्ठ व्हा...!!! -- Teacher: ======== 6. 2 Teach is 2 Err, 7. 2 Err is Human, Forgive Divine...! 8 विद्या धनं एव धनं प्रधानम् _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List