On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 8:45 AM, Praveen A <prav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2013/1/18 ag@gmail <amarendra.godb...@gmail.com>:
>> So do I read it something like this: While walking on the street, I found an 
>> unlocked door to a bar and walked in, grabbed a bottle of vodka, gulped it 
>> down, and walked out. I was caught, since I was 17.
>> Now blame the bar for having its door unlocked or the person who forgot the 
>> bottle of vodka on the table. Don't every utter anything about underage 
>> drinking... (though it is illegal). Not exact, but you get the idea.
> The point is, MIT kept the network open as well thought out policy. It
> is MIT culture not to restrict their network. Do you not see the
> proportion as an issue? Agreed, it is rude on Aaron's part to have
> misused the access, but does it deserve 35 years in jail? Also
> remember JSTOR did not want to prosecute Aaron.
>> If JSTOR should be free - one should put efforts to gather those many 
>> articles on their own. Why steal? Another thing - part of JSTOR fees goes 
>> towards paying the authors of those articles, from what I read. By wanting 
>> it for free, you also deny rightful money to the very people who put their 
>> ideas on paper. I consider this abuse of the term Free... Gandhi did not 
>> take away salt from the British, it was rightfully given to those who owned 
>> it. In this case, the papers were not rightfully Aaron's or of public...
> Copying is not stealing and Aaron did not distribute the articles he
> copied. The people who wrote the papers are already paid.
> "Another thing to consider is that academic writers are paid through
> salaries and grants; they aren't paid (not directly, anyway) for the
> publication of their work. The whole system of compensation for
> academic content is very different from commercial publishing. When
> you pay for a JSTOR article online, none of the money goes to the
> author, it goes to the publisher."
> http://www.theawl.com/2011/08/was-aaron-swartz-stealing
>> We don't need more Aarons, for sure.
>> YMMV.
> Yes, I believe we need more Aarons and that is why I'm talking about
> his work with as many people as possible.
> From the same article,
> "Swartz is being charged with hacker crimes, not
> copyright-infringement crimes, because he didn't actually distribute
> any documents, plus JSTOR didn't even want him prosecuted. These

I have read all articles about him, and still maintain my belief -
Robin Hoods like him do more harm than good. Probably Free Software
needs folks like him, not Open Source. ;-)


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