Hello everyone at PLUG, For those who are facing issues posting to PLUG mail. it is time that these are resolved in a manner that increases e-mail participation and encourages people to post on this list.
The plug mail administrator is reachable on - list-manager at plug-mail.org.in The PLUG mailing list etiquette is here (it needs to be friendlier) http://www.plug.org.in/mailing-list/ These guidelines should also be sent as part of a 'welcome message' Suggestions: Section 1 'before posting' + item 5 - Linux documentation is available at http://tldp.org/ - http://www.linuxdoc.org the docbook archive and Q&A Section 2 'posting to the list' + item 3 - Please give a link for newbies to understand what is 'top-posting' (everyone needs a HowTo post without violating list guidelines, however relaxed.) link for help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style#Top-posting + item 21 - Please give the administrator a maximum of 2-days [to permit moderated posts] would serve better than ('a day or two' is ambiguous.) Reference for experts and mailing list administrators: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html (RFC1855) - Netiquette including mailing lists (3.1.2) If the present administrator chooses to, then another member may be selected to assist them in mailing list administration. After seeing more mails being discarded, I think PLUG must become as friendly as before. My first post to PLUG was from hotmail (c. 1999) and was a top-post. If that had been refused, I would certainly have been discouraged. Sunil Beta (Fingers-crossed, hoping that this actually makes it to the list.) _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List