On Friday, December 16, 2011, Mayuresh <mayur...@acm.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 11:23:02AM +0530, Arun Khan wrote:
>> Which version are you using?
> $ rpm -q -f `which google-chrome`
> google-chrome-stable-7.0.517.44-64615.i386

You are using an ancient version of chrome. Google just pushed out version
16 a couple days ago.

> Crashes occasionally. Some of the past versions were not crashing. So it's
> a general stability issue.

As I said, try using a newer version of chrome.

>> > Besides, plugins/addons need to grow and match firefox.
>> It's PDF (native) and Flash (meets majority of my need) is very stable
>> in above version.
> Certain addons I can't work without are: vimperator, iMacros, tabmixplus,
> may be a few others. vimperator is not yet there and iMacros doesn't work
> so great on chrome.
> I have seen chrome's speed to be good. Only if stability and above addons
> can come I'd use it more regularly.

Fair enough - looks chrome is not the best fit for you. Looking at the
market share, it looks like chrome does work for a lot of people. Choice
FTW :).


> Mayuresh.
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