On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Mayuresh <mayur...@acm.org> wrote:

> It's perhaps too early to ask this question for Aakash in particular as
> the specs may not be widely known yet.
> More general question could be: can a device that runs Android, run Linux
> as well. (Or with kind of effort it can be made to run.)
> Rationale behind asking this is, if someone has made a device that runs
> android, the device drivers already exist that can interact with Linux
> like kernel. Only question remains whether they are open enough or not.
> For those who consider Android as a Linux variant owing to its roots, this
> is a non question.  I, for one, do not consider it so. The environment is
> pretty different on Android.
> Now which Linux would one expect to run on such a device: A few I know are
> Maemo (little chance of it running on anything other than N900 and alikes
> from Nokia), MeeGo (or whatever its new avatar), openmoko etc. (Please add
> more Linux based distros that can run on PDAs/tablets to this thread.)
Tizen - https://www.tizen.org. Its a new distro by Intel & Samsung. No
devices made yet. but supports ARM as well as x86 CPU. And is set to replace

> (Their respective sites list the devices they support. However, what's the
> difficulty level of adding new ones there given the commonality that they
> all already run Android.)
> BTW, this article says there are tablets already around that are cheaper
> than Aakash
> http://www.thinkdigit.com/Mobiles-PDAs/Your-guide-to-the-new-35-Aakash_7700.html
> I haven't checked the specs of these.
> Mayuresh.
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Akshay Mankar
The box said "Requires Windows XP, Vista, 7, or better", so I installed
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