
In preparation to FUDCon, Pune 2011 [1], we had organized a Fedora
Activity Day (FAD) I [2] at Red Hat, Pune, India on Saturday,
September 24, 2011.

Rahul Sundaram started the proceedings with a session on how to
contribute to Fedora [3], and how people can get involved with the
community. I showed the various communication channels that people
need to use to connect with the large Fedora community.

We then proceeded to do a hands-on session on RPM packaging. We used
the GNU Hello RPM packaging [4] example from the fedoraproject.org
wiki. Rahul and I explained each section of the .spec file, and showed
them how to use rpmbuild. The participants learnt to write the .spec
file, and also built, installed, and tested the hello package.

We then took a break for lunch following which I presented a hands-on
session on git using the di-git-ally managing love letters [5]
presentation. Siddhesh Poyarekar then took an introductory hands-on
session on autotools [6].

All the presentations are available in the FAD wiki page [7]. Thanks
to Red Hat for letting us use their facility, and for sponsoring the
pizza! They were able to arrange for ten laptops with Fedora 15
installed for participants who didn't have laptops.

Thanks also to Kashyap Chamarthy, Kushal Das, Siddhesh Poyarekar for
their help to the participants during the workshop sessions.

Few pictures that I took at the workshop are available [8].


[1] FUDCon, Pune, 2011. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:India_2011

[2] FAD I @ Red Hat, Pune. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Pune_2011_Sep_24

[3] Rahul Sundaram's presentation on how to contribute to Fedora.

[4] GNU Hello RPM package.

[5] di-git-ally managing love letters.

[6] Introduction to autotools.

[7] FAD Agenda. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Pune_2011_Sep_24#Agenda

[8] Few photos. http://shakthimaan.com/downloads/glv/2011/fad-1-rh-pune-2011/

Shakthi Kannan

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

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