
A Fedora Activity Day (FAD) [1] is scheduled for Saturday, September
10, 2011, 1000 IST onwards at College of Engineering, Pune [2]. The
objective of this FAD is to get any beginner, particularly students,
involved in Fedora ahead of FUDCon, Pune [3]. Entry is free.
Please add your name to the wiki [1] if you intend to participate in
the event. You are encouraged to bring your laptops. COEP will provide
Wi-fi Internet access, and we will also try to have a Fedora lab and
mirror setup. There will be a series of talks (as required) and
hands-on sessions.

In addition to the sessions listed in the wiki, if you would like any
specific topic to be addressed, please let us know. For any other
queries, feel free to contact Rahul Sundaram or me.



[1] FAD, Pune. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Pune_2011

[2] College of Engineering, Pune. http://www.coep.org.in/

[3] FUDCon, Pune, 2011. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:India_2011

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