


A hands-on workshop on advanced Android development topics.




Time: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm     Date: 28th and 29th July2011
Location : Pune


Android has fast picked up to become the leading platform for smartphone and tablet software development. Android application development is gaining ground as many products and services now look at building mobility support in their software.

*The best of applications from leading software companies are already available on Android. Come and learn how to add advanced functionality and feature sets to your Android apps.***

*_Course Contents

1. Interfaces (Adapters)
2.     Android Logger

3.     Android Telephony
4.    Understanding more about Intents
5.    Security, permissions, packaging your app
6.    Broadcast Receivers revisited
7.    Remote Services
8.    Device-type and interface considerations
9.   Wifi
10.  Accessing Internet Content
11. Notifications
12. Android NDK
13. NFC (Near Field Communication)

Pre-requisite: Candidates should be familiar with basic Android application programming.

For detailed content click here



Has 16 years experience in the software development industry. He has developed multiple applications on Android. His app on the Android Market is downloaded and used by customers around the world. Among his earlier work in the mobile world was developing a WAP (Wireless Access Protocol) microbrowser engine as the WAP standards were just evolving.

*Course Fees*: Rs. 10000/- per participant. Lunch and Tea during breaks will be provided.

*Group concession*: 10% discount for a group of 3 or more participants (against advance payment)

Register for the Workshop by sending an email to <>.

Download the enrollment form available at <> and send us back duly filled with payment. If you like, we can have it collected from your office.

Terms and Conditions apply. See enrollment form for details.

For enquires and clarifications, please contact Pankaj.

M: 9822751803    E: <>

*Please Note*:

Kindly bring your laptop with Java Eclipse IDE and Android developer tools installed. Confirmed candidates will be provided instructions on getting the Android emulator and tools installed.



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