On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 11:15:28AM +0530, Amarendra Godbole wrote:
> OpenBSD is about "correctness", so security, reliability and
> robustness are included as a by-product. The code is clean,
> frequently-audited, and bugs are fixed faster than any other OS I
> know. Plus, there is not much debate on the severity and priority - a
> bug is a bug, and it gets fixed as soon as someone sends the
> bug-report. I've seen grammatical typos' in their man pages fixed
> within 2 hrs. of being reported. So saying OpenBSD is just about
> security would be incorrect. Their motto is to be "free, functional
> and secure". I think you are concerned with functionality, which
> happens to be one of their goal as well. :-)
> I use OpenBSD on my laptop, and it works fine and does all jobs that I
> want it to do - internet via firefox, word processing via LibreOffice,
> mail via sylpheed/mutt/pine being important amongst them.
> -Amarendra

Hmm... Attractive enough.. Will give it a try when time permits. Would
have all 3 BSDs + 1 Linux with me by then...


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