Hello All, Solution Enterprise will be conducting a course on Linux System Administration. This course is an intensive hands-on course designed by Solution Enterprises to provide a detailed knowledge required for Linux System Administration.
This course is aimed to transfer knowledge required for system administration & not for any kind of certification alone. Though candidates can later go in for certification based on knowledge acquired through the course. This course enables engineers to rapidly identify issues critical to their networks, and provides them in-depth knowledge of Linux. Who can attend: Executives playing the role of System Admin, Network Admin, Desktop Admin, interested in using Linux for efficient functioning for Networks. A familiarity with basic System Admin concepts and terminology will be helpful. Duration : 2 months. Days & Timings : Will be decided based on the batch size & timing convenient for the members of the batch Venue: Solution Enterprises B-26, Shanti Vihar, Vigyan Nagar Society, Bavdhan We encourage you to fill up your details using the below mentioned link if you are interested to know more about the course. https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGRBa1RQZG9TNzV3emh6NGdRWl9DWVE6MA For customized on-site training for your team, send a mail to i...@solutionenterprises.com Thanks & Regards, Team Solution Enterprises If this workshop is of interest to any of your friends/knowns, kindly forward this mail. _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List