Dear All,

I have recently joined this group and working on integration of  HOTPLUG
support for USB(i.e. detection of pen drive )  in UBANTU Linux on PowerPC
based Target board.

I have already downloaded Kernel : 2.6.34 from

I am new in Linux and done some study on (, But (except
Page* these links,all other links are not opening on this page)


1.    In downloaded kernel  I have not found  kernel source code in
/usr/source ,where to get it

2.    How do I integrate hotplug support for USB ? (I know kernel must have
configured for Hotplug support )

3.    In RFS what are changes I have to do w.r.t. hotplug support for
PowerPC based Target board

Your support is most valuable for me, requesting please guide me or give any

Thanks and Regards,

Ajit Apte
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

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