On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 9:10 AM, Gaurav Pant <gauravggs at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2010/8/3 शंतनू (Shantanoo) <shantanoo at gmail.com>:
>>> On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 12:32, Shreerang Patwardhan
>>> <patwardhan.shreerang at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>>     I have a file with contents in the following manner:
>>>> 10001_abc_county
>>>> 10003_abc_xyz_county
>>>> 10005_abc_pqr_xyz_county
>>>> Each entry is on a new line and each line begins with a number and ends 
>>>> with
>>>> the word county!
>Can be done with awk too..
> cat file  | awk -F'_' '{ for(i=2;i<NF;i++) printf("%s", $i); printf("\n") >}'

can be done without sed/awk/perl/python/whatnot

for i in `cat file` ; do nohead=`echo $i | cut -d "_" -f2-` ; tail=`echo 
$nohead | grep -o "_" | wc -l`; body=`echo $nohead | cut -d "_" -f-$tail | tr 
-d "_"`; echo $body ;done



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