> Please contact Shantanu Oak who gave  a session on shell scripting for
> mysql sometime in May at some seminar or thw uch in Pune.
> I know for certain that the printed tickets from an ST bus and its
> backend and the MSRTC online reservation is based on Centos.
Various Departments of Govt. of Maharashtra are uding Linux.

Judiciary system is on Linux. MSRTC, FDA are also on Linux.
BSNL complaint call (trouble ticketing) handling is on Linux.
Many corporates are already switching to FOSS (starting with OpenOffice.)

IIRC, ICICI, UTI banks, Bajaj Aliance and many others are already on FOSS or
shifting to FOSS.

Well, Things are changing towards the FOSS usage.
It is a slow process but will happen sooner or later.


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