On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 9:34 AM, Certification Guru
<certificationg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> , can anybody help me
> for
>> suggesting any *Best Person* or any *Best Institute*, that will teach
> Linux
>> Conceptually and Practically.
>> Please Help.
>>> There is no best institute or person to learn Linux from!  That's the
>>> truth.  The journey starts with your wish to learn it and eventually
>>> you learn that you yourself are your best teacher.
> This is not true....
> I am in training from 15 years... teaching Linux for international
> examination since 2006.
> We are dedicated to IT training, please visit http://certificationguru.co.in

My experience is that people who have done certification courses think
that they know 'Linux' but they do not. Which means that they cannot
solve the problems I expect any moderately experienced user to be able
to solve.
The people who I have found to be really good Linux users/admins, are
those who spent time reading man pages instead of travelling to and
from training institutes.
I would suggest the OP (original poster) to attend the next PLUG
meeting if possible, and interact with people there and then come to a
suitable conclusion.


PS: A good starting point is to open a terminal window and type 'man
man'. (Use 'q' to quit)

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