On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Sudhanwa Jogalekar
<sudhanwa....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/24/10, म.हा.सा.ग.र <o.s....@guruvision.com> wrote:
>> a user is thinking of switching to Linux for usual reasons.
>> He asked, can I use tally on Linux.. undersigned replied affirmative...
> As I remember, tally is available on Linux. But most of the vendors do
> not know about it. Also, support is poor.
> If you are looking for FOSS accounting/billing applications, there are not 
> many.
> GNUCash, GNUkhata are some of the choices.

What are the non-foss alternatives?

It seems tally is so tightly integrated with M$O that OO.o installed
machine can not be used in conjunction with Tally for certain
functionality.  So generally speaking it would be wise to start
thinking of Tally alternatives right now..

non-foss Linux alternatives exploration may also allow little bit
better understanding of the needs and maybe suitable for a section of
society where people are willing to pay for extra services at enhanced
speeds :-)
१. Stupid question always warrants a stupid answer!
२. Why question the answer, unless question itself is the answer?
४. No question is ever stupid.

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