-----Original Message-----
From: Sunil Patil <sunmpa...@gmail.com>
Reply-to: Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List
To: plug-mail@plug.org.in
Subject: [PLUG] Linux & ERP
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 09:45:17 +0530

Hi everyone,

We are manufacturing company. We would like to implement Linux based ERP
Systems (Intially only Inventory Management Systems).

System should to simpler,flexible and user freindly.

Our queries are as below,

1) What would be the suitable Linux disto to be used?
2) Available & proven ERP Systems in the market.
3) Database to be used.

We want to implement at the earliest.

Please share experience / comments - those who have implemented such system
.. .

Thanks in advance


In my experience, getting the software is not much difficult. Apart from
Deployment, It's the proper implementation (making people use it or say
user acceptance ) is the second major challenge that you'll face.

Ubuntu is a good choice for Linux OS. 
For ERP, i would suggest OpenBravo. It's best suited for your industry.
generally ERP has it's on database, but given a choice, I would suggest
go for either mysql or postgresql.

Arun Tomar
blog: http://linuxguy.in
website: http://www.solutionenterprises.co.in

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