
2009/9/16 Rishikesh ऋषिकेश <>

> Dear All,We( Pune Linux Users Group and Lokayat Free Software Initiative)
> had meeting College of Engg Pune on Saturday. We could not have meeting on
> last Thursday due to some unavoidable reasons. We chalked out following
> program. Due to "Ghatasthapana Divas" on 19 September many colleges may have
> holiday, we have not yet received confirmations for some college programs.
> The programs details are here. Please find the poster of SFD celebration
> program 
> here<>
> .
> The program will be held at Lokayat Hall. The hall is at Law College Road,
> near Nal Stop. The details of program are as follows
> -> Free Software and SFD - Abhijit M from Lokayat
> -> Power of Firefox - Amit K from PLUG
> -> A video film on relevant topic
> Date: Saturday, 19 September 2009
> Time: 5 - 8 PM
[Rishikesh] This will happen as scheduled. Mark your time for the program.
Please convey to as many as possible for you. In case of difficulty in
finding the venue, just give me call.

> On the same day we will have some programs in colleges as well. Their
> details are as follows
> -> Program at COEP
> A talk on free software and SFD by Amit K
> A short video film
[Rishikesh] This is a confirmed program.

> -> Program at Modern Engg College ( Yet to be confirmed but it will happen
> most likely)
> A talk on free software and SFD by Rishikesh Y
> Business models in FOSS / Some other topic on technical aspect of FOSS -
> Shirish A
> Presentation on desktop env comparison of GNU Linux and Students - Some
> student of Modern Engg College
[Rishikesh]This program is cancelled due to holiday in college.

> -> Program at MMCC Engg College ( Yet to be confirmed )
> A talk on Free Software and SFD by Sudhanwa J
> A talk on Localization/Indianization of GNU Linux
[Rishikesh]The program is confirmed. It will begin at 11 AM.
Vaibhav and Karunakar will be presenting in this program.

> -> Program at Sihagad Tech Instt ( Yet to be confirmed )
> A talk on Free Software and SFD by Vaibhav G
> A talk on perl scripting by Amit K
[Rishikesh]This program is cancelled due to holiday in college.

> Thanks
> Rishikesh
> 9423507864

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