On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 3:44 PM, sunil varpe <varpesun...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Hi arun and all > I am regularly updating files in my office webserver > using SSH. Our webserver has Redhat enterprise server edition. We are > using apache webserver. Mysql database for the same. Main problem is that I > can upload the file through LAN pc only and I can’t upload file through wan > network ( means out of office lan network). So. How can I do that from my > home pc. Which setting in apache configuration I should do.because it is set > for loaclhost only > Thanking You > Sunil > > It is not clear what is meant by upload ? Are you using "scp" to upload files from LAN ? Is the machine accessible from outside via SSH ? Have you tried "scp" from outside, can you "reach" the machine, or is it authentication error ? What error do you get when you try to "upload" the files from WAN ? It is likely that only HTTP port is opened in the firewall for external access, in which case the changes should be done to the firewall and NOT apache configuration -Mandar http://desipenguin.com/techblog _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List