>> Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 23:05:30 +0530
>> From: vaibhav <vaibhav.kha...@gmail.com>
>> Subject: [PLUG] Unable to play .WMV files.
>> To: "Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List" <plug-mail@plug.org.in>
>> Message-ID:
>>        <345deca10908021035m2788d67dr63950fb04c21...@mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> Dear All,
>>                I'm using Fedora 10 on my P4 machine. I have 2 queries.
>> a) I use 'startx' when logged in as root, and then i'm unable to open vlc
>> player. It works well when logged in by any other user. Can't it be opened
>> using 'root' ? My vlc version is "VLC version 0.9.9 Grishenko"
>> b) I'm trying to play .wmv files but unable to do so. I've tried using VLC
>> and RealPalyer11. but it gives following error:
>> "The file contains an unsupported video format. The needed codec is not
>> installed on your system.(This clip contains Windows Media Video Screen,
>> which is currently unsupported.)"
>>  I tried searching google and found 'mplayer' can play it, but was unable
>> to
>> get .rpm package for the same.
>> (As i'm new to linux, i know only rpm cmd to install new utilites)
>> Thanking all in advance.
>> --Vaibhav
>> ------------------------------
>> Hi Vaibhav,
>for mplayer u need following rpm to install mplayer , mplayer-gui if u need
>GUI, and binary codec essential to support most of video format. u can get
>these file from below link
>mplayer gui
>also need to download binary codec
>use following command to install rpm as root
># rpm -ivh filename.rpm
>for installation of essential-20071007.tar.bz2
>extract tar.bz2 file using
>*tar* xvjf essential-20071007.tar.*bz2*
>then change dir to extracted and run these command
>make install
>u can get additional information on http://www.mplayerhq.hu
>Shrikant Mundlik
>Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List 

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
        I also faced multimedia problem while using Fedora-7.I un-istalled 
everything and reinstalled everything with the rpm from livna repository.

        1.Upgrade qt
        2.re-install xine               
    3.re -install  amarok, totem etc.

Best regards.                            


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