Dear All,
                I'm using Fedora 10 on my P4 machine. I have 2 queries.
a) I use 'startx' when logged in as root, and then i'm unable to open vlc
player. It works well when logged in by any other user. Can't it be opened
using 'root' ? My vlc version is "VLC version 0.9.9 Grishenko"
b) I'm trying to play .wmv files but unable to do so. I've tried using VLC
and RealPalyer11. but it gives following error:
"The file contains an unsupported video format. The needed codec is not
installed on your system.(This clip contains Windows Media Video Screen,
which is currently unsupported.)"
 I tried searching google and found 'mplayer' can play it, but was unable to
get .rpm package for the same.
(As i'm new to linux, i know only rpm cmd to install new utilites)
Thanking all in advance.
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