On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Vidya Valley School (Office)
<i...@vidya-valley.com> wrote:
> To PLUG members,
>  We have been running our two school labs on MS Server. But we wish to 
> convert to Linux.
>  We will have one lab with a Linux File server (and domain server?) with up 
> to 50 PCs on Linux.
>  Applications will be Open Office, Blue J, C++ and whatever else available to 
> teach children from Std 8 to 10
>  In the other lab we want to have a Linux server with up to 40 Thin Clents. 
> Applications for Jr Children. They learn typing, word perocessing, LOGO 
> programming and we should be teaching animation etc. for small children from 
> 3rd to 7th.
>  Any one out there available to help in setting up the labs and suggesting 
> software and even the Linux server software?
>  We will also like to convert nearly all the workstations to Linux. We will 
> need help with everything!!! including some handholding with stuff like Open 
> Office and other softwarte that we are happily using today on Microsoft!
>  School starts on 8th June.

 Why dont you drop in the PLUG meet on 6th June, 4Pm @ SICSRC. We can
discuss your problem... :)

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