
Let me summarise and hopefully close this thread.

PLUG has people from various categories: programmers, sys-admins,
security pros, students, teachers, IT pros, NON-IT pros etc etc etc.

PLUG is associated with / interacts with many organisations like
colleges,  IT companies, NGOs and organisations like CMDA
(www.cmdapune.com). In fact, PLUG is a life member of CMDA and
participates in the expo they organise.

PLUG is working for about 10 years now and consistently conducts
meeting every month.
Some of the initial meetings of PLUG were conducted at various places
like COEP boat club and even Vaishali hotel.

After all such meetings, we could get a venue of SICSR and the
meetings are conducted there for about 8-9 years.

We have enough networking with colleges/institutes, companies and
Non-profit-organisations who offer us a place for conducting meetings.
We do get such offers all the time.

Usually, I send a PLUG meeting confirmation mail with the agenda (if
any). In every mail I also state like this:  " If anyone wants to give
any technical (or other) talk in the meeting,
please let me know. "

Interested people do contact and confirm their talk/presentations for
the meetings.

Some years back, we had conducted technical sessions on IRC also and
we can do that again if people are interested.

We are open to any such talks (programming or otherwise). Well, the
talk should be related to FOSS.

Number of people coming to the meeting depends on many factors like
agenda, speaker, exam time, cricket matches, some other event at the
same time and so on. If we are talking about a series of talks, I feel
the number of people will increase as they may see the meeting more
"focussed'. (focussed is the current buzzword I heard :-) )

PLUG does have people who are also on other groups like
POCC/Pune-tech, php/ruby/Java related groups and also some companies
internal groups. And we do encourage their participation/association
in PLUG.

To conclude, anybody and  everybody is welcome to associate with PLUG
in any way: talking in meeting, joining mailing list, coming to the
meetings, chat on IRC, conduct STTP for professors, work with schools
and so on....

I hope things are now clear and people will know some facts and not
just opinions. :-)


On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Navin Kabra <navin.ka...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not sure how successful such a group would be; would it be a useful
>> idea
>> to start out within another group(like PLUG) and then form a separate forum
>> if there seem to be enough attendees?
> I don't think getting attendees will be a problem.
> From PLUG, phpcamp mailing list, punetech.com, twitter and other avenues, I
> think I can assure you of a sizable audience.
> My only worry is a venue - we have started using SICSR for so many events
> that I sometimes wonder whether they'll get irritated and throw us out :-)
> So it would be nice if we could line up another venue.
> Any contacts in Pune University?
> Good idea - but we could take this further and make it a computer
>> science/technology interest group encompassing a multitude of topics from
>> programming languages, operating systems, artificial intelligence, etc...
> Sure.
> navin.
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