   Sorry for the late reply, what i found on NET is , its an NTFS Bug.
These type of grub problem is faced if u do have a windows installed on
NTFS Drive. Solution may be defrag it or go for new windows FAT.
Me yet to try this above solution

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 4:01 PM, sourav mohanty
<sourav.r.moha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> ? ?Any solution to this Grub Fatal error problem both in kubuntu and
> fedora.
> Tried dd command to rewrite MBR , and also tried installing grub from live
> cd and
> from fedora rescue mode but still no success. Any solutions its urgent.

>>>>>>Do you have any more information on what else you see as part of the
>>>>>>error message ? Some error code, some characters on screen, etc ?

> --
> regards,
> Sourav Mohanty
> --
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