by making or calling something a public domain you also make it available to the public... and public has a say in the process and government conduct of it...
an audit of public entity is a possibility... i wonder of that is ever thought of while taking into account legal implications of Pune Linux Users' Group registration Vs. Pune Gnu/Linux Users' Group propoganda... mechanism :-) i think it will be worth the cause to step back a bit and take a look at how much will such mechanisms stand the scrutiny by any auditing agency... i think PLUG still runs smoothly because of the well wishes of many people who are silently watch it and take any studied personal stand for or against it... and by that i am not standing on any side nor in the middle :-) please... kindly .... avoid complicating it further ... in the eyes of law of the land this will probably be childish... i do not necessarily understand OP's posts but i see some sense in it ... much more than my posts perhaps... and he has a right to cite license to be followed for all of the text (s)he utters... because it is free (not as in free speech or beer but in some other way which follows that license) this is explained a bit at... nothing further said because nothing is needed.(*stop*) -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ( List Information: Send 'help' to for mailing instructions.