Mr. Joglekar,

Are you also going to deliver a lecture/presentation ?
I think I saw your name being listed in "Sakaal"
I'll try to be there on Sunday, at the least.

Best of Luck !!


Mandar D Vaze
Contact Me: [image: Linkedin] <>[image:
Flickr] <>[image:

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 1:27 AM, Sudhanwa Jogalekar

> Dear all,
> We are participating in the CMDA IT expo which started today morning.
> The dates for the expo are 4-7 Dec 08 and the venue is Engineering
> College Ground, Shivajinagar.
> Our stall no is C1 which is the last stall in the expo. This is next
> to the seminar hall and Pune Police stall.
> Along with the stall, we have 2 seminars from PLUG.
> One is by Aditya Godbole on 6th Dec 3-4 pm. and other one is by Amit
> Karpe on 7th Dec. 5-6 pm.
> So, do visit our stall to meet the pluggies and also attend the seminars.
> Regards,
> -Sudhanwa
> --
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